Friday, May 18, 2012

Simple idea

Can we all agree that it's ridiculous to stand open-mouthed and aghast when a politician does something for political reasons?

It's an argument that has run its course.

Now, of course, if you're a person who does things exclusively for political reasons, you should check your morals in the mirror. But since we've got many elected officials driven mostly by the almighty campaign contribution, I don't see doing something purely for the purpose of making political points nearly the pearl-clutching offense it could be.

Over to you, my friends...... what political arguments would you like to see put out to pasture?


  1. Let's have some fun while we circle the drain!

    Congress should be managed like a tv sitcom or reality show ... Laugh tracks, applause signs, roving cameras (showing us emotional private alliances) and congress people will be required to sing and dance and then get instant votes ala the doltish American Idol audience.

    1. And could we please make them wear the logos of their corporate sponsors, too, Bill? It would make the spectacle complete.

  2. Congress should be managed like a tv sitcom or reality show ... Laugh tracks, applause signs, roving cameras (showing us emotional private alliances) and congress people will be required to sing and dance and then get instant votes ala the doltish American Idol audience.
    If only they could be voted off the stage as easily as American Idol. Altho that may be a way to get the people involved if they can vote by phone like for a TV show. All we have to do is to get people to watch. We have C-SPAN covering the House and Senate, but very few watch the clowns on those channels.

  3. Imagine if people watched C-SPAN for entertainment. I mean, people besides us. It's an invigorating idea.

    I think I should give up the drink.

  4. OK, I'll give you one...just because a person opposes a particular idea or law, does not mean they are "anti-" whatever the supposed beneficiary of the legislation is...opposing increased welfare benefits does not mean you hate poor people, supporting abortion does not mean you like killing babies....

    in other words, let's agree to disagree without the name-calling

    1. Amen to that, Jonah. The oversimplification that colors our political discourse does us no favors.


Tell me about it...