Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bloggers Talking about Bloggers Talking

Setting: (Now that the kicking and hair pulling has stopped) MathMan and I are once again sitting across from each other at the big oak desk behind our respective laptops. I'm reading blog RSS feeds. MathMan is probably doing something very important like checking out his fantasy baseball stats.

Me: Uh oh. (under my breath) That sounds familiar.
MathMan: Huh? What?
Me: Oh, nothing.
MathMan: No really, what?
Me: Well, dooce and her husband had a disagreement about how she pronounces Cray-on.
MathMan: It's cran.
Me: Says you.

Originally posted June 3, 2008

Friday, July 08, 2011

What a long, strange trip it's been

Welcome back to PoliTits.

Thanks to Bob Mutch who was kind enough to turn over administration of my old blog to me. I realize it's mostly writer's vanity, but I am thrilled to have this old blog back.While I'll continue to write at That's Why, my plan is to use this space for two purposes.

1. Repopulate it with the best of the old material.
2. Write new content about politics and, yes, sex. It's been suggested that I try my hand (again) at some erotica. I think yes. Here's the place for that.

In the meantime, pardon me while I rebuild.

Special note about Bob. He's left us some links in exchange for the blog. You'll find them under Valuable Resources.

